Watchdog timer board for Raspberry Pi Model B+ SSCI-022545 (2254)
The IC with the built-in countdown timer monitors GPIO of Raspberry Pi, and the software on Raspberry Pi sends pulse signals to GPIO at a fixed interval to re-set the timer in the IC.
TXS0108E bidirectional level shifter breakout board SSCI-023092 (2309)
Multi voltage level converter with the Texas Instruments chip, TXS0108E, that performs bidirectional level shifting from any voltage to any voltage between 1.8V and 5V. It allows 8-bit bidirectional low-voltage conversion for a wide range such as 5V-3.3, V3.3V-1.8V, 5V-1.8V.
Stand-offs and screw sets for Raspberry Pi SSCI-022682 (2268)
These are the stand-offs and screw sets for Raspberry Pi. You can secure the HAT with your Raspberry Pi.
microB USB Breakout SSCI-022477 (2247)
microB USB Breakout
mbed Skill Badge SSCI-022057 (2205)
You know we all love mbed. So here it is! The mbed Skill Badge for you. This iron-on patch with mbed logo is our very first original skill badge.
Amp board kit for Super directional ultrasonic speaker SSCI-022088 (2208)
Amp board kit for Super directional ultrasonic speaker which delivers sound only straight ahead by ultrasound.
T-Cobbler Breakout Kit for Raspberry Pi B+ SSCI-020749 (2074)
T-Cobbler breakout kit for Raspberry Pi B+
Switch Science Eaglet for Intel Edison SSCI-020701 (2070)
Eaglet is a tiny breakout board for Intel Edison.
Protoboard for Raspberry Pi SSCI-019057 (1905)
Protoboard for Raspberry Pi
TsuboLink-II HRM1017 SSCI-018296 (1829)
TsuboLink-II for HRM1017 is a CMSIS-DAP debug adaptor used for programming and debugging the HRM1017 breakout.
Super directional speaker kit SSCI-018425 (1842)
Using ultrasound, the speaker kit sharply directs and sends audio only straight. It has many wave transmitters. Please note that you need to solder many points for assembling it.
HRM1017 Breakout SSCI-018142 (1814)
Breakout board for the Hoshiden HRM1017, small Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module
LM75B temperature sensor (I2C interface) SSCI-018135 (1813)
LM75B temperature sensor (I2C interface)
Switch Science mbed LPC1114FN28 SSCI-017145 (1714)
The Switch Science mbed LPC1114FN28 enables you to use NXP LPC1114FN28 (ARM Cortex-M0 MCU in DIP28 package) with the mbed online compiler easily. It is bundled with an LPC1114FN28.
2x13 Female header Right Angle (for Raspberry Pi) SSCI-016544 (1654)
This is L-shaped Pin Socket, and can be fit to a GPIO of Raspberry Pi.
MCP23017 GPIO Expander for Raspberry Pi SSCI-016506 (1650)
16-port I/O expander for Raspberry Pi. MCP23017 by Microchip is mounted on the expander.
Vanilla shield for XBee SSCI-015707 (1570)
Vanilla shield for XBee
Vanilla Edge for Raspberry Pi SSCI-015271 (1527)
This is a universal board which can connect GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi directly,
and it comes with L-shaped Pin Socket 2x13 (26P). -
T-Cobbler Breakout Kit for Raspberry Pi Type A/B SSCI-015363 (1536)
This is a T-cobbler breakout board kit designed for extending the GPIO, Serial, SPI and I2C interface on Raspberry Pi A/B to breadboard.
I2C controlled 8×2LCD Breakout for Raspberry Pi SSCI-015165 (1516)
You can connect this I2C controlled 8×2 LCD Breakout to GPIO of Raspberry Pi directly and use it without soldering!