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PCA9632DP1 I2C 4ch LED driver board with 4 LEDs onboard

PCA9632DP1 I2C 4ch LED Board that uses PCA9632DP1 by NXP, an I²C-bus controlled 4-bit LED driver. An individual PWM controller makes the brightness value of LED adjustable.

This board itself already has LEDs on, so 4 LEDs will blink just by connecting it to the I2C bus. When laying multiple of this board, LEDs are evenly spaced in linear alignemnet.

To find detailed information on how to controll, please go to the manufacturer's site and the PCA9632DP1 data sheet

Specification (major functions of the IC)

  • Operating voltage: 2.3V ~ 5.5V
  • 4ch individual LED port
  • 8-bit resolution (256 steps) fixed frequency Individual PWM controller
  • Individual /Group PWM controller
  • 4 red LEDs on the board
  • Sinks 24 mA into the LED port
  • Signal pin for external drive on board
  • interface: I2C
  • Has patterns for I2C pull up resistor (Resistor not included)


  • The I2C address is fixed to 0xC4(1100 010x)and can not be changed.
  • Please prepare pin headers separately and solder them accordingly.

◆ Pin allocation


◆ Surface


◆ Back


◆ Documents

◆Sample code (Arduino)

  • Sample1
    The 4 LEDs will light up all at once
#include <Wire.h> //I2C通信用

#define PCA9632_DEV_ID 0x62 //全体制御用のI2Cアドレス
void setup()
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //debug用
  Wire.begin(); //Arduinoがマスター
  Wire.write(0x00); //MODE制御用のレジスタ
  Wire.write(B10000001); //デフォルトがSLEEP:ENABLEでB100[1]0001になってるので注意
  Wire.endTransmission(); //通信終了

void loop()
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);        //debug用
  Wire.write(0x08);             //LED制御用のレジスタアドレス
  Wire.write(B01010101);        //2bit×4個分の点灯制御//00=消灯//01=強制点灯//10=個別PWM制御もON//11=全体PWM制御もON

  digitalWrite(13, LOW);

  • Sample2
    2 LEDs will light up out of 4. Brightness can be controlled individually.
#include <Wire.h> //I2C通信用

#define PCA9632_DEV_ID 0x62 //全体制御用のI2Cアドレス

void setup()
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //debug用
  Wire.begin(); //Arduinoがマスター
  sendI2C_single(0x00, B10000001); //MODE1//デフォルトがSLEEP:ENABLEでB100[1]0001になってるので注意
  sendI2C_single(0x01, B00100001); //MODE2//全体PWM制御を点滅モードに設定 DMBLNK=1
  sendI2C_single(0x02, B00001111); //PWM0//暗め(データシートp12式1)
  sendI2C_single(0x03, B11111111); //PWM1//明るめ(p12式1)
  sendI2C_single(0x04, B00001111); //PWM2//暗め(p12式3)
  sendI2C_single(0x05, B11111111); //PWM3//明るめ(p12式3)
  sendI2C_single(0x06, B01111111); //GRPPWM//全体PWMのduty比を1:1に(p13式5)
  sendI2C_single(0x07, B00010111); //GRPFREQ//全体PWMの周期を約1secに(p14式7)
  sendI2C_single(0x08, B11111010); //LEDOUT//3,2,1,0//00=消灯//01=強制点灯//10=個別PWM制御もON//11=全体PWM制御もON

void loop()
  /**************  LED3,2は10で個別PWMにより調光されている  LED1,0は11で個別PWMによって調光された上で、点滅モードの全体PWMで点滅している  **************/

void sendI2C_single(byte REG, byte DATA)
  Wire.endTransmission(); //通信終了

PCA9632DP1 I2C 4ch LED driver board with 4 LEDs onboard
Name PCA9632DP1 I2C 4ch LED driver board with 4 LEDs onboard
Code SSCI-023788
SKU# 2378